adaptive GYmnastics

Adaptive gymnastics is an adaptive class for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Special Physical Needs. Our program is designed to develop and nurture each child’s individual gross motor and cognitive skills while building confidence. Our facility provides those of all abilities an opportunity to enjoy physical activity in an environment that makes it possible for every individual to achieve and succeed. Each gymnast is required to have an assistant to participate.

Adaptive Gymnastics

Ages: 4-18
Time: 45 Min
Cost: $225 / Session (5 classes)

Adaptive Gymnastics is designed to help children with special needs develop their gross motor and cognitive skills, build confidence, and form a supportive community. Parents are encouraged to participate. These classes will be capped at 4 students.

WED 1230PM (AGE 8+)
SAT 2PM (AGE 4-7)